53 research outputs found

    Errores conceptuales institucionalizados en Matemáticas

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    A raíz de las reflexiones que surgen del análisis del actual Modelo Curricular de la Universidad de Sonora, donde el estudiante ocupa un lugar activo y protagónico en la construcción de su conocimiento y del momento de reflexión y análisis que propicia el inicio de la transición hacia un nuevo modelo curricular basado en Competencias, siendo insistente ambos en el uso de las nuevas TIC’s en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, en lo que a matemáticas se refiere, es oportuno hacer algunos señalamientos en relación, tanto en los aspectos metodológicos (el cómo enseñar), como en la precisión de los contenidos disciplinares a estudiar (el qué enseñar). En este artículo se hace un análisis parcial de estos aspectos, ejemplificándolo con uno de los conceptos fundamentales en matemáticas, desde el nivel básico hasta el superior y cómo algunos textos y más de un tipo de software matemático muy reconocidos, propician errores en la comprensión del mencionado concepto

    Implementing Circular Economy Techniques for the Optimal Management of Recyclable Solid Waste Using the M-GRCT Decision Support Model

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    [EN] This article analyzes the implementation of a circular economy model for the management of reusable solid waste in the Colombian municipalities of Arbelaez (province of Cundinamarca) and Tibasosa (province of Boyaca). The analysis is conducted using M-GRCT, a circular economy decision support model for the design of recyclable waste management systems in low-income municipalities. The model allows for performing calculations on a set of two scenarios integrating a sociocultural dynamics assessment-this being a characteristic feature of this type of municipalities. Results show that both the linear and circular models of waste management are economically viable. However, the particular conditions of each municipality, the tariff system, the number of subscribers and the variations in costs and inflation in each municipality affect the results of economic viability. In addition, the waste production scale and the volumes of recoverable waste also affect the results. All these factors are reflected in the scenarios analyzed. In terms of economic viability, the circular model presents better results in Arbelaez, while in the municipality of Tibasosa, the best results are obtained with a linear economy approach.Vargas-Terranova, C.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.; Rodrigo-Clavero, M.; Parra-Saad, A. (2022). Implementing Circular Economy Techniques for the Optimal Management of Recyclable Solid Waste Using the M-GRCT Decision Support Model. Applied Sciences. 12(16):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12168072117121

    Virtual Reality as an Emerging Methodology for Leadership Assessment and Training

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    [EN] In developed countries, companies are now substantially reliant on the skills and abilities of their leaders to tackle a variety of complex issues. There is a growing consensus that leadership development training and assessment methods should adopt more holistic methodologies, including those associated with the emotional and neuroendocrine aspects of learning. Recent research into the assessment of leadership competencies has proposed the use of objective methods and measurements based on neuroscience. One of the challenges to be faced in the development of a performance-based methodology to measure leadership skills is how to generate real-life situations with triggers that allow us to study management competencies under controlled laboratory conditions. A way to address this question is to take advantage of virtual environments to recreate real-life situations that might arise in performance-based assessments. We propose virtual reality (VR) as a very promising tool to observe various leadership related behavioral patterns during dynamic, complex and realistic situations. By seamlessly embedding assessment methods into virtual learning environments, VR can provide objective assessment methods with high ecological validity. VR also holds unlimited opportunities for leadership training providing subjects with intelligent tutoring systems that adapts situations in real time according to the observed behaviors.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness funded project "Advanced Therapeutic Tools for Mental Health" (DPI2016-77396-R).Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Parra Vargas, E.; Chicchi-Giglioli, IA. (2018). Virtual Reality as an Emerging Methodology for Leadership Assessment and Training. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01658S

    An Immersive Serious Game for the Behavioral Assessment of Psychological Needs

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    [EN] Motivation is an essential component in mental health and well-being. In this area, researchers have identified four psychological needs that drive human behavior: attachment, self-esteem, orientation and control, and maximization of pleasure and minimization of distress. Various self-reported scales and interviews tools have been developed to assess these dimensions. Despite the validity of these, they are showing limitations in terms of abstractation and decontextualization and biases, such as social desirability bias, that can affect responses veracity. Conversely, virtual serious games (VSGs), that are games with specific purposes, can potentially provide more ecologically valid and objective assessments than traditional approaches. Starting from these premises, the aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of a VSG to assess the four personality needs. Sixty subjects participated in five VSG sessions. Results showed that the VSG was able to recognize attachment, self-esteem, and orientation and control needs with a high accuracy, and to a lesser extent maximization of pleasure and minimization of distress need. In conclusion, this study showed the feasibility to use a VSG to enhance the assessment of psychological behavioral-based need, overcoming biases presented by traditional assessment.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness funded project "Advanced Therapeutically Tools for Mental Health" (DPI2016-77396-R) and by the European Union through the Operational Program of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) on the Valencian Community 2010-2020 (IDIFEDER/2018/029)Chicchi-Giglioli, IA.; Carrasco-Ribelles, LA.; Parra Vargas, E.; Marín-Morales, J.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2021). An Immersive Serious Game for the Behavioral Assessment of Psychological Needs. Applied Sciences. 11(4):1-17. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11041971S11711

    La "Nueva ruralidad" el desarrollo fundamento en el destierro de los moradores.

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    El presente proyecto se desarrolla en la zona rural del sur de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C, específicamente en las localidades de Sumapaz, Usme y Ciudad Bolívar, territorios en donde se desarrollan dos propuestas antagónicas por parte de dos actores sociales distintos. Por un lado las apuestas del estado, que a través de intervenciones institucionales públicas y privadas conducen a una expropiación territorial y que están enmarcadas en la denominación de “Nueva ruralidad”. Estas formas de expropiación se traducen en la mole de cemento, el basurero doña Juana, el turismo y la invasión modernizadora del campo, siendo estas a su vez formas de coacción normativa e ideológica que amenazan al campesino. Por otro lado, se encuentra la propuesta de la comunidad de hacer frente a estas estrategias de expropiación a partir de la defensa del territorio y todo lo que en él confluye (naturaleza, relaciones sociales, historia, formas de vida) una defensa que, con limitaciones y dificultades, aún sigue en pie, buscando la organización del campesinado y la preservación de su cultura

    GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies

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    The aim of this paper is to describe GameTeen, a novel instrument for the assessment and training of Emotional Regulation (ER) strategies in adolescent population. These new tools are based on the use of 3D serious games that can be played under different settings. The evolution of ER strategies will be monitored in two ways depending on the setting where the tool is presented. Firstly, in the laboratory, physiological signals and facial expressions of participants will be recorded. Secondly, in real life settings, ecological momentary assessment tools will be used to obtain answers from the subjects using their mobile phone. The goal is to obtain more attractive and reliable tools to evaluate and train ER strategies.This study was funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Spain, Project Game Teen (TIN2010-20187) and partially by projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), “CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII” and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Consellería de Educación, 2008-157). The work of A. Rodríguez was supported by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316.Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Rey, B.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Baños, R.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Wrzesien, M.; Gómez Martínez, M.... (2012). GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies. En Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. IOS Press. 334-338. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-121-2-334S33433

    Sequential oral antibiotic in uncomplicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: a propensity-matched cohort analysis

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    Objectives: We aimed to analyse the efficacy and safety of oral sequential therapy (OST) in uncomplicated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB). Methods: Single-centre observational cohort at a tertiary hospital in Spain, including all patients with the first SAB episode from January 2015 to December 2020. We excluded patients with complicated SAB and those who died during the first week. Patients were classified into the OST group (patients who received oral therapy after initial intravenous antibiotic therapy [IVT]), and IVT group (patients who received exclusively IVT). We performed a propensity-score matching to balance baseline differences. The primary composite endpoint was 90-day mortality or microbiological failure. Secondary endpoints included 90-day SAB relapse. Results: Out of 407 SAB first episodes, 230 (56.5%) were included. Of these, 112 (n = 48.7%) received OST and 118 (51.3%) IVT exclusively. Transition to oral therapy was performed after 7 days (interquartile range, 4–11). The primary endpoint occurred in 10.7% (11/112) in OST vs. 30.5% (36/118) in IVT (p < 0.001). SAB relapses occurred in 3.6% (4/112) vs. 1.7% (2/118) (p 0.436). None of the deaths in OST were related to SAB or its complications. After propensity-score matching, the primary endpoint was not more frequent in the OST group (relative risk, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.22–0.79). Ninety-day relapses occurred similarly in both groups (relative risk, 1.35; 95% CI, 0.75–2.39). Discussion: After an initial intravenous antibiotic, patients with uncomplicated SAB can safely be switched to oral antibiotics without apparent adverse outcomes. This strategy could save costs and complications of prolonged hospital stays. Prospective randomized studies are needed

    Responsabilidad social empresarial : decisiones, reflexiones y casos de estudio

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    Esta obra es resultado del esfuerzo conjunto realizado por miembros de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Casos (ALAC), el Centro Internacional de Casos del Tecnológico de Monterrey (México) y la Universidad del Norte (Colombia). Contiene una selección de trabajos que versan sobre la problemática de la responsabilidad social empresarial en América Latina, la visión de la cultura y el devenir histórico acerca de este tema y una serie de casos que, sin lugar a dudas, se constituyen en un aporte significativo a los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje respecto a la ética empresarial y la responsabilidad social

    I Congreso - Convergencias y divergencias. Hacia educaciones y desarrollo otros.

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    La presente colección, en su primera publicación, recoge la experiencia del I Congreso Internacional de Educación para el Desarrollo en Perspectiva Latinoamericana- EpDl “Convergencias y divergencias. Hacia educaciones y desarrollos otros.” organizado por el Centro de Educación para el Desarrollo-CED de UNIMINUTO, específicamente en relación con las ponencias, libros e iniciativas fotográficas presentadas en las seis líneas temáticas de este evento académico, a saber: (a) experiencias y prácticas pedagógicas; (b) acciones colectivas, movimientos y redes sociales; (c) perspectivas críticas al desarrollo; (d) producción de conocimiento; (e) diferencias, identidades y ciudadanía; (f) cuerpos, emociones y espiritualidades; a partir de éstas propuestas y en el marco de estas líneas, se reflexionó sobre las dinámicas y problemáticas derivadas del desarrollo hegemónico, así como sobre la posibilidad de diálogo entre saberes y conocimientos construidos de forma contextualizada, que permitan agenciar apuestas y proyectos alternativos disidentes en la búsqueda de “desarrollos y educaciones otras” desde América Latina